The lamest "local needs" part that I've heard recently in my current congregation was this:
"How To Comment"
It just so happens that this elder body just couldn't handle the diverse, deep, meditative and reflective thoughts of the small handful of publishers when they gave comments. This elder (secretary) stipulated to comment in this concrete order (1) give a brief answer as stated in the paragraph, (2) mention the scripture quoted/sited in your comment and (3) try to make a final comment that will lead into the next paragraph.
Mechanical....yet safe.
Yes, the general bunch in the hall are drones. However, some publishers in my congregation are educated and some are very insightful. Thus, the curve ball thrown when these elders conduct a study session. I actually believe that some of these publishers do comment (like I do) with major league words in an intuitive manner OUT OF SPITE. Ha Ha Ha.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)